Pesticide market trends in 2023: ecological pesticides and green pesticides will become the focus of the development of the pesticide industry in 2023

Pesticide market trends in 2023: ecological pesticides and green pesticides will become the focus of the development of the pesticide industry in 2023

2020-11-17 Hits:

The World Agrochemical Network reported that the Central Economic Work Conference was held in Beijing from December 15 to 16, 2022. The meeting summarized the economic work in 2022, profoundly analyzed the economic situation at home and abroad, and made arrangements for the overall requirements, policy orientation and key tasks of economic work in 2023. The Central Economic Work Conference pointed out that we must comprehensively promote rural revitalization and resolutely prevent the large-scale return to poverty. The meeting put forward the "implementation of a new round of action to increase grain production capacity" in agriculture, which is to ensure that the Chinese people's rice bowls must be firmly in their own hands at all times, ensure the reasonable returns of grain farmers, and firmly uphold the two bottom lines of ensuring national food security and preventing large-scale poverty. This shows that the central government attaches great importance to agricultural production. It is also an important measure to effectively ensure national food security. Agriculture and pesticides and other agricultural materials are inseparable, mutual promotion, mutual influence, the meeting proposed "implementation of a new round of food production capacity improvement action" will bring opportunities to the pesticide industry and the market, therefore, this meeting will also have a great impact on the development of the pesticide industry and market stability in 2023. In the face of the fierce international situation and the impact of the novel coronavirus epidemic on people's normal work and production, a comprehensive understanding and understanding of the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference will be of great significance for grasping the pesticide market trend in 2023 and doing a good job in the pesticide industry in 2023.

The meeting will bring new opportunities and challenges to China's pesticide industry and market in 2023

1. The conference will lay a good policy environment for the favorable agricultural industry, and the various policies released will certainly benefit the development of the pesticide industry and bring opportunities for the development of the pesticide market and industry.

The Central Economic Work Conference proposed that we will continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy. The proactive fiscal policy should increase its effectiveness, ensure the necessary intensity of fiscal spending, cut taxes and fees, and strengthen support for enterprises. These policies will greatly benefit the development of the pesticide industry.

In addition, expanding domestic demand, promoting domestic consumption, and various livelihood policies and reform measures will further increase farmers' income and strengthen our confidence in developing agriculture. All these will be conducive to the comprehensive development of China's pesticide industry, conducive to the prosperity of the pesticide market, conducive to the improvement of the pesticide consumption environment and the external environment, conducive to the long-term development of China's pesticide industry and market stability and prosperity.

2. Pesticides are an indispensable and important substance for the "implementation of a new round of food production capacity improvement action", and the action will also empower the pesticide industry and promote the healthy development of the pesticide market and industry.

The meeting proposed "implementing a new round of action to increase grain production capacity by 50 million metric tons", which is an important measure to ensure that the Chinese people's rice bowls are firmly in their hands at all times, and is also a mobilization order for China's agricultural development in the new era. Implementing a new round of action to increase grain production capacity "means that the central government will promote China's agricultural development, rural revitalization, and guarantee food security as the basis of a new journey to comprehensively build a modern country."

The development of agriculture in our country cannot do without pesticide. There are 742 kinds of diseases, 838 kinds of pests (mites), 704 kinds of weeds and 20 kinds of rats in China, among which more than 100 kinds of diseases, insects and grasses that cause serious losses to crops. After the use of pesticides, some common diseases and pests have been effectively controlled, saving 58 million tons of food production loss for our country every year, 1.5 million tons of cotton, 2.3 million tons of oil, 50 million tons of vegetables, 6 million tons of fruit, according to analysis, every investment of 1 yuan of pesticides, can benefit agriculture 6~10 yuan, can save economic losses of more than 30 billion yuan per year.

It can be seen that pesticides are the most important and most effective means of increasing agricultural production and income, which will play an extraordinary role in "implementing a new round of action to increase grain production capacity", promoting agricultural development and ensuring food security, and is also an important basis for achieving grain production capacity increase and ensuring agricultural production in China. Especially in the current situation of promoting urbanization construction and the reality of giving birth to three children, in the face of the trend of increasing population, decreasing land and increasing diseases and pests in China, in the face of the situation of rural labor shortage and accelerated land transfer, the pesticide industry will continue to assume arduous tasks and play an important role in promoting agricultural development and ensuring national food security.

3. The goals and requirements of the meeting, such as seeking progress in stability, will also bring new challenges to the development of the pesticide industry and market stability.

 We will better balance epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development, development and security, deepen reform and opening up in an all-round way, vigorously boost market confidence, integrate the implementation of the strategy of expanding domestic demand with deepening supply-side structural reform, prioritize efforts to stabilize growth, employment and prices, effectively forestall and defuse major risks, and promote overall economic improvement. Achieve effective qualitative improvement and reasonable quantitative growth, and set a good stage for building a modern socialist country in an all-round way... All these reflect new development requirements and new ideas as well as new economic policies and strategic intentions.

The meeting put forward some requirements and measures to benefit the development of the pesticide industry at the same time, but also bring new challenges to the development of the pesticide industry. As we all know, the development of China's pesticide industry is affected by many subjective and objective factors. For 2023, the environment for the development of China's pesticide industry is not loose, we must be sorely aware that the current global epidemic is still continuing, the world economic growth is greatly affected, the world is changing, the source of global unrest and risk factors have increased significantly, the global trade and investment pattern, the direction of agricultural product prices are uncertain. Domestically, China has optimized epidemic prevention and control measures and coordinated epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development. However, the pressure and challenges facing China's economy are still huge. In addition to the "triple pressure" mentioned at the meeting, there are still many uncertainties, and the economic growth rate in 2023 May show a trend of low before high.

Under such circumstances, the pesticide industry will also face new challenges in 2023. For example, the contradiction between pesticide development and resources and environment in the construction of a new pattern in the pesticide industry, the rising cost of production and operation of enterprises and the lack of innovation ability in the new strategy of service, and the risks in the field of environmental protection and ecology and safe production still exist, which are bound to affect the development of pesticides in 2023. The pesticide industry must find ideas from the Central Economic Work Conference, pool wisdom, do solid work, and start a good game for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.